H He
Li Be
B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Lr Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt
La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb
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Precious Metal Sponge
Palladium Catalysts
Platinum Catalysts
Ruthenium Catalysts
Rhodium Catalysts
Iridium Catalysts
Gold Compounds
Silver Compounds
Precious Metal Plating
Precious Metal Fabrication
Ceramic Glaze
Titanium Anodes
Rare Metal Machining
Recovery & Refining
Gas Purification Catalysts
Auto Exhaust Control
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Email: Yu-jq@netease.com
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Precious Metal Plating

KaiDa offer a broad range of high quality PGM salts and solutions. We can process you precious metal plating with the advanced plating technique.

The PGM Plating Salts contains:

Palladium Electroplating Liquid

Platinum Electroplating Liquid

Ruthenium Electroplating Liquid

Rhodium Electroplating Liquid

Gold Electroplating Liquid

Silver Electroplating Liquid 

Our products have one thing in common:   Exceptional quality and cost effectiveness with

respect to the consumption of precious metals.

The following is the introduction of Palladium, Platinum, Rhodium, Ruthenium, Gold, Silver Plating.

Platinum plating

Platinum 每 An extremely versatile and excellent hard ※silver gray§ finish that is utilized as a decorative surface finish, and is highly resistant to oxidation. It is considered a premium protective finish over sterling silver and nickel basis metal. Platinum electroplating is used extensively in electronics, medical implants and scientific instruments. Electroplated platinum finishes provide a moderate cost alternative relative to rhodium.

Palladium plating

Palladium is white in color, harder than cobalt gold, and is precious, so it also retains the non-oxidizing property for use in electrical connector applications.

Palladium electrodeposits have higher better ductility, which provides superior contact bending tolerance, lower porosity, and superior resistance to corrosion than hard gold. This makes palladium an excellent candidate for applications such as reed switches or relay contacts.

However, palladium has a generally lower wear resistance in sliding contact, such as pin/socket interfaces, than gold. Palladium mated against itself has less wear resistance than palladium mated against gold or a palladium surface with a thin overlay of gold.

When underplated with a flash of soft gold, palladium also demonstrates excellent solderability.

Ruthenium plating

Ruthenium - The anthracite-colored, highly transparent visual approach of ruthenium creates an outstanding visual effect. Especially in combination with gold or palladium coating, the decorative effects that can be achieved with ruthenium are unsurpassed and offer excellent wear resistance.

Rhodium plating

Rhodium is white in color, a precious metal, meaning non-oxidizing, It is well suited for plating of parts such as sliding electrical contacts that require protection from corrosion or galling. Rhodium is a bright, attractive finish that is non-tarnishing. When underplated with nickel it provides a mirror surface that is highly reflective.

Rhodium is the hardest of all of the precious metals. It provides the most wear resistant finish possible for the most demanding environments.

Gold plating

Gold is unique with its yellow color. Also, gold is a precious metal, which means that it will not oxidize in air, so its electrical conductivity stays uniform over long periods of time. It is ideally suited for electroplating applications. Gold plating offers good corrosion resistance, good solderability, and when alloyed with cobalt, it has very good wear resistance. Gold is commonly used in electrical switch contacts, connector pins and barrels, and other applications where intermittent electrical contact occurs.

Silver plating

Silver plating offers the highest electrical conductivity of all metals. It is not a precious metal and will oxidize rapidly. Silver plating is best suited for engineering purposes for solderable surfaces, electrical contact characteristics, high electrical and thermal conductivity, thermocompression bonding, wear resistance of load-bearing surfaces, and spectral reflectivity electrical applications, good corrosion resistance, good solderability, and other applications.
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